Pencak silat is a martial art that develops four aspects of intelligence, namely aspects of spiritual mental intelligence, artistic intelligence through beautifully packaged movements and steps, intrapersonal intelligence through martial arts abilities and kinesthetic intelligence in the form of sports. These four intelligences can develop in martial artists on an ongoing basis.
In realizing the development of intelligence through the martial art of Pencak Silat, a forum is needed that can build the character of a generation that has a sense of brotherhood and a warrior spirit through the forum in question, namely competition.
For this reason, it is one of our shared duties as Indonesian citizens and also the duties of people who love Pencak Silat through the Tapak Suci Putera Muhammadiyah College, to organize coaching as a form of education about Tapak Suci pencak silat in the form of championships. As an effort to facilitate the development of intelligence in order to develop the character of the younger generation. martial artists at Tapak Suci College in Indonesia to prepare themselves to face the intense competition for Pencak Silat achievements at a higher level.
Therefore, PIMDA 020 Banyuwangi, under the auspices of the Banyuwangi Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership, is assisting in the development and educational process of Pencak Silat through the 2024 Banyuwangi National Tapak Suci Championship, Kindergarten, Elementary/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/SMK/MA/Equivalent, and Student/Equivalent levels. Mature.
In realizing the development of intelligence through the martial art of Pencak Silat, a forum is needed that can build the character of a generation that has a sense of brotherhood and a warrior spirit through the forum in question, namely competition.
For this reason, it is one of our shared duties as Indonesian citizens and also the duties of people who love Pencak Silat through the Tapak Suci Putera Muhammadiyah College, to organize coaching as a form of education about Tapak Suci pencak silat in the form of championships. As an effort to facilitate the development of intelligence in order to develop the character of the younger generation. martial artists at Tapak Suci College in Indonesia to prepare themselves to face the intense competition for Pencak Silat achievements at a higher level.
Therefore, PIMDA 020 Banyuwangi, under the auspices of the Banyuwangi Muhammadiyah Regional Leadership, is assisting in the development and educational process of Pencak Silat through the 2024 Banyuwangi National Tapak Suci Championship, Kindergarten, Elementary/MI, SMP/MTs, SMA/SMK/MA/Equivalent, and Student/Equivalent levels. Mature.